We combine the latest technology with expert knowledge and experience to put time-saving data management tools in the hands of educators which track compliance and services provided to students in special education, Section 504, RtI and EL.
A clever tagline but what does it really mean? First of all, it means that we really are a company of educators. Over 70% of all our employees have spent significant portions of their careers as either classroom teachers, diagnosticians, therapists, school psychologists, administrators, or special education directors. Even though we have stepped away from the campus, we work diligently to maintain our certifications and continuing education requirements. We even have a member of a local school board on staff. SuccessEd is a company of educators.
The experience and perspective captured in the first half of our tagline allow us to successfully accomplish the second half. We do what we do for educators–to improve their lives and the lives of the students and parents that they serve. As former educators, we understand the challenges and pressures that are so often associated with our vocation. Always mindful of this, we pour ourselves into our software solutions—developing tools that improve the quality of life of the educator and helping them spend less time with keyboards and more time with kids.
The result of this powerful combination–educators building for educators–is a powerful, time-saving, easy-to-use set of data management tools. SuccessEd software tracks compliance and services provided to students in special education, Section 504, RTI/MTSS and EL. Use of our programs results in actionable data that allows for continuous review of the effectiveness of implemented strategies, accommodations, and methodologies thereby creating opportunities for every student to be successful.
"The team members at SuccessEd understand the complexities and challenges of the ever-changing landscape of special education. They work with school districts to try to develop solutions to make the job easier." — Eanes ISD
“SuccessEd is a superior designed, comprehensive special education program! SuccessEd enables educators to develop and manage compliant, high-quality special education documents that are aligned with both federal and state regulations. The SuccessEd staff goes out of their way to set your District up for success with ongoing training and support!” — Kathleen Crooks, Brownfield ISD
“The transition to SuccessEd and the training of the different products was flawless. The trainer was patient and very knowledgeable of the products. My Support Specialist and Relationship Manager have been quick to answer any of my questions and they have been extremely supportive during our implementation of SuccessEd." — Amy Estrada, Idalou ISD
“The reason we considered a change was because of customer service, and customer service is the main reason we partnered with SuccessEd.” — Keith Schneider – Director, Waco ISD
“I have personally appreciated the way that the Success Ed team has listened to our district's needs and has been responsive in developing updates to support those requests.” — Dana Johnson, Georgetown ISD
“One of my favorite things about SuccessEd is their strong background in education and how that makes the product, purchase and training come to life. They know how to relate their products to real-world use and can take the product further by connecting it to the law and procedures for Special Programs. They have made our district feel like we are their number one priority.” — Mendy Sharp, Director of Curriculum/Special Services, Pleasant Grove ISD